Chamber Member

Ripley County Senior Citizens' Club

Tina Sharp

715 E Washington St PO Box 96
Doniphan, MO 63935

715 East Washington St PO Box 96
Doniphan, Missouri 63935

  • Phone: 573-996-3070

Doniphan Senior Center is a non-profit organization that provides our senior community with a location to gather.  We provide lunch and the opportunity to sit and read a book or do a puzzle while enjoying the company of others. You can also enjoy a game of bingo or sit and relax while watching t.v.  Our treadmill is available for use, and we also have a monthly foot clinic that you can sign up for.  We are going to be renting our dining hall and meeting room for special events.  The money will go toward adding more activities for our seniors.  


Current River Bowling Family Fun Center & RV Park LLC

4007 US Highway 160 E
Doniphan, MO 63935
Phone: 573-282-9616