Chamber Member

Rick Yates Signs

Rick Yates

102 Washington Street
Doniphan, MO 63935

Old school dedication to making my customers proud. What I lack in technology I more than make up for with God given talent & perseverance. My list of repeat customers is HUGE. I offer VALUE, my standards are very high & my stuff LASTS!!!

FULL TIME SIGN SHOP - I can come to you when needed, just call 573-996-7772 for an appointment. I serve a large area in southern Missouri & northern Arkansas.
HIGH QUALITY Hand-painted or vinyl Business Signs,Truck Lettering, Race Car & other vehicle graphics, Reflective & Magnetic Signs, Windows & Store Fronts, Banners, Back-lit Acrylic panels, Bench Advertising, Old school hand painted decorative Pinstriping & Artwork. While others brag about their "5 year guarantee", I've got outdoor signs that still look great 20 years later.


24/7 Mini Mart Convenience Store

333 Leroux Drive
Doniphan, MO 63935
Phone: 573-996-7209